About iCanQuit+ Motiv8
iCanQuit+ Motiv8 is an app that combines two treatments that have been proven to help people quit smoking. In the app, former smoker Nancy will guide you on your journey to quit smoking, providing:
- Tools for dealing with urges to smoke, self-paced guides for quitting smoking, help planning your quit date and staying tobacco-free
- Monetary incentives for not smoking
iCanQuit+ Motiv8 is designed to walk you through preparing to quit, setting a quit date, and helping you stay on course after your quit date. You will receive monetary incentives if you can show that you quit with a breath smoke monitor. To succeed while using iCanQuit+ Motiv8, it’s important for you to work through each level and practice the skills you learn along the way.
What should you expect for the first week?
You will work through the first four learning levels under Preparing to Quit during the first week of using the iCanQuit+ Motiv8 app. You can access these lessons at anytime once they have been unlocked either via the app home page prior to you quit date or via the app menu under Learning at anytime.
iCanQuit+ Motiv8 will also prompt you to take a practice breath sample each day of the first week of using the app. A small monitor will measure carbon monoxide, which reflects how much you have smoked.
What can you expect after completing your first week in iCanQuit+ Motiv8?
Once you finish taking your practice tests and record one smoke-free day (this is important!) in the iCanQuit+ Yesterday’s Cigarettes tracker, the app will move you into the next phase to help keep you motivated to stay smoke-free.
You’ll be able to submit breath tests for monetary incentives twice-a-day for a period of 7-weeks once unlocked. Nancy will provide more information on testing as you move through the iCanQuit+ Motiv8 application. Completing all the levels in the After You Quit learning modules will help you keep smoke-free during this period. These levels are designed to keep you smoke-free!
How do you take a Motiv8 breath test?
When a test is ready, Nancy will prompt you to take a Motiv8 breath test. Nancy walks you through this process in the Motiv8 Test section of the app, but below is an overview of how you can connect to your monitor.