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About iCanQuit+

iCanQuit+ is a mobile app proven to help people quit smoking. In the app, former smoker Nancy  guides you on your journey to quit smoking, providing:

  • Tools for dealing with urges to smoke
  • Self-paced guides for quitting smoking
  • Help planning your quit date and staying tobacco-free
  • Scientifically-based recommendations for how to select medications to help you quit smoking*

iCanQuit+  is designed to walk you through preparing to quit, setting a quit date, and helping you stay on course after your quit date. As you move through lessons and at key time milestones in your journey, different parts of the app will unlock. To succeed while using the app, it’s important for you to work through each level and practice the skills you learn along the way.

* Medication is not offered as part of this study, but you are welcome to discuss these options with your doctor to potentially use in combination with iCanQuit+

What should you expect while using iCanQuit+?

You will work through the first four learning levels under Preparing to Quit during the first week of using the iCanQuit+ app. You can access these levels at anytime once they have been unlocked either via the app home page prior to your quit date or via the app menu under Learning at anytime.

You may navigate iCanQuit+ app via the app home screen or main menu and ask Nancy for help at anytime by clicking on her avatar on the home screen. Below is a basic map of the application:

Graphic displaying and labeling portions the iCanQuit+ smartphone application.
A map of the iCanQuit+ user interface. You can access app content from the homepage or main menu and ask for help by clicking on Nancy’s icon.

As you progress, the app will move you into the next phase where new levels will unlock depending on both level completion and time-passed. Each level is designed to help keep you stay smoke-free! Using the program for six weeks ensures you of the best chance of success.

Don't forget! You can ask Nancy for help at any time while using the app by clicking on her avatar.